Abstract:Yang Wenhuiis regarded as the pioneer of the revival of Buddhism in modern China, one of the reasons is that he opened the beginning of modern Buddhism new-styleBuddhisteducation, which has a lot to do with his participation in the modern East Asian Buddhist modernization movement.The experience of visiting Europe and the exchanges with NanjoBunyu,Dharmapalaand others make Yang Wenhui's concept and practice ofBuddhistmaterial cultivation different from that of traditional Buddhism.He emphasized the application of modern Buddhist research methods, constructed a new education system as the framework of thebuddhisteducation system, and founded a fine house for the purpose of cultivating monks with international vision and ability to carry forward the law, who can take on the important task of revitalizing Buddhism.It has cultivated the representatives of Ouyang Jingwu and Tai Xu during the Period of the Republic of China.Yang Wenhui's concept and practice ofBuddhisteducation has created a new situation in modern Buddhist education and provided valuable experience forcareer ofthe Buddhist education in the Republic of China.
Keywords:Yang Wenhui;Buddhist Education;Zhihuanjingshe
(Translator:Li Bin-qian)