The main content of the Great Debate of Tibet has derived from Spa-bzhed, includingthe course of the debate, the result of the debate and the content of Mahayana’s Chan. This situationcaused a single horizon when this event is recorded in many history books. So it is important to removethe sole authority of Spa-bzhed when we research the Great Debate of Tibet. Once we have a wide vision,we may draw many different conclusions of the Great Debate of Tibet: First ,there had not been a directdebate between monks in the Tubo,because all doubts in Buddhism have been discussed in writing inthree years. Second, as the result of the debate, the Zen continued to spread in the Tubo after the GreatDebate of Tibet, and Zen believers were still active in the Tubo, although the Zen wasn’t alreadymagnificent. Third, the view of nirvikalpa which the Mahayana’s Chan said did not destroy the base ofgood deeds, and what it discussed was only in the level of ultimate meaning.