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The First Batch of Graduate Students of Our College Returned to School Successfully
From:Author: School of Philosophy and Public Administration Editor:Wang Qi     Date:2020-04-27    Hits:

On April 26, the first batch of 12 graduate students of our school returned to school successfully. Ji Zhichuang, the President of the college, led relevant officials to check the situation of the registration site, check the progress of the work relevant to the beginning of class, and send students the "health package" prepared by the college. The college attaches great importance to the return of the first batch of postgraduates. In accordance with the documents of the Education Department of Henan Province, the arrangement of the Leading Group for coVID-19 prevention and the requirements of relevant documents, the college has made detailed preparations and set up a special working group. The college investigates the situation actively, implements every work accurately, and ensures that every student returns to school in a safe and orderly manner.

For some students returning to school by public transportation, the college arranged a special bus to pick them up at the station. At the same time, a video conference whose topic is “the first Lesson of returning to school” was held by college through Tencent Meeting. Luo Chunli, Deputy Secretary of Party of the college, Qiao Zhiling, graduate counselor, and 12 graduate students attended the meeting. Luo chunli said that the epidemic prevention safety of the first batch of returning graduate students is of great significance for Henan university students to return to school. she asked everyone to improve their political consciousness, abide by the rules and regulations of the school, do a good job in Epidemic self-prevention, adjust their status as soon as possible, and devote themselves to study. Subsequently, Qiao Zhiling made detailed arrangements for the students' study and life in school. Students expressed that they felt the school and college's meticulous care for them, and promised to do a good job of personal safety protection and abide by the school's rules, regulations and requirements.

(TranslatorLi Yunfei)

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