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Our College Opens A New Chapter in Cooperation with the People's Procuratorate
From:Picture: School of Philosophy and Public Management Editor: Shang Yumiao     Date:2019-08-30    Hits:

Among domestic universities, The major of social work is a new and developing specialty,which mainly cultivates professional helpers-social workers.Unlike philosophy, public administration management and other majors, social work professional educationis a kind of vocational education. How to cultivate students' practical ability is the key to the success or failure of professional education.Undergraduate social work education in foreign countries requires students to have more than 800 hours of professional practice, and the senior social work of the institution will provide full guidance for the internship supervision.

In 2004, our college began to enroll the first social work undergraduates, and it has a history of 15 years.However, the professional development of social work in Kaifeng City lags behind and there is a lack of professional social work institutions , which has a certain impact on the practice teaching of social work specialty in our college.

First met·Cooperation between the college and the Procuratorate

In early July 2019, our college reached a cooperation consensus with The People's Procuratorate of Kaifeng city to establish an internship and practice education base for social work major of Henan University in the People's Procuratorate of Kaifeng City, so as to improve the professional cooperative education mechanism.

On July 15, 21 undergraduates majoring in social workof 2016 in our college were assigned to theJuvenile Crime Division of Kaifeng People's Procuratorate and the Juvenile Crime Division of the People's Procuratorate of 8 districts (counties), including Gulou, Jinming and Lankao to provide help and education for juveniles involved in crimes. During the one-month internship, the students, under the guidance of the juvenile crime inspector in the Procuratorate, established a good professional relationship with the objects they helped, and applied the professional methods of case work and group work into the practice of helping and teaching, and achieved good results in helping and teaching.

Practice·Social workers involved in Juvenile Crime Inspection Division

In the People's Procuratorate of Gulou District, three interns entered the "Rainbow Studio"of the Juvenile Crime Inspection Division. By collecting data, diagnosing problems, evaluating needs, and designing comprehensive intervention schemes, they successfully assisted two juveniles involved in crimes to return to their families and society, which was highly praised by the police officer of Gulou District. On August 2, the Gulou District People's Procuratorate awarded three interns with "judicial and social work talents" for juvenile procuratorial work, to establish a long-term pairing and support relationship. Henan Legal Daily has given an in-depth report on this. In the People's Procuratorate of Xiangfu District, two interns provided help and education for 7 minors involved in the case. Starting from the families and peer groups of the service objects, the social support system was improved to make the help and education effect more sustainable.

Summary·Fruitful internship

On August 15, the one-month professional internship ended, and the internship exchange summary meeting was held in the Municipal Procuratorate. Four professional teachers from the social work department of our college and the police officer of juvenile Crime Division of the Procuratorateparticipated in the meeting.Students generally said that this internship provided them with rare practical cases for their subsequent professional learning, because it was the first time for them to get in touch with cases that are hard to get in touch with under normal channels.In addition, the difficulty of helping and teaching juveniles involved in crimes is also higher than that of community practice, which stimulates students' passion and motivation to solve complex problems with professional knowledge and deepens their positive cognition of social professionalism.

Look ahead. Long term deepening development

The cooperation between the college and the procuratorate in promoting the socialization and specialization of the judicial and procuratorial work of juveniles involved in crimes is an innovation in the work of non-procuratorial work in Henan Province, which is strongly supported by the Provincial Communist Youth League Committee and the provincial Procuratorate.On August 21, a symposium was held at Gulou District People's Procuratorate in Kaifeng city. Wang Dubo, deputy secretary of Henan Provincial Communist Youth League Committee, Zhu Yanju, deputy director of the ninth Supervision Department of Henan Provincial People's Procuratorate, Song Chunbo, procurator general of Kaifeng people's Procuratorate, and other leaders participated in the forum. Vice president Zhao Yanfeng and teacher Fu Guangwei were invited to participate in the symposium.Three suggestions were put forward on how to further deepen the Cooperation between the college and the Procuratorate: first, build practical courses for juvenile judicial social work; second, build a long-term cooperative mechanism integrating "help - study - research"; Third,promote the government purchase of the assistance and education work of juvenile involved in crime, which is highly recognized by the leaders attending the meeting.

We will further consolidate the cooperation basis with The People's Procuratorate of Kaifeng, explore new channels, new situations and new contents of cooperation on the basis of win-win cooperation, improve the professional collaborative education mechanism, and promote the quality of social work education in our school to a new level.

(TranslatorLi Xue-li)

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