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Our College Organized to Watch the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China
From:Author: Li Pengyang Picture: Wang Zhengyu Editor: Wang Zhengyu     Date:2019-10-10    Hits:

In order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, to enhance the national pride of teachers and students, and to promote the spirit of patriotism, on the morning of October 1, our college responded to the school’s call to organize more than 80 teachers and students including party members and activists of the Communist Party of China to watch the real-time broadcast of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in the first conference room of the college, feeling the increasing prosperity of the People’s Republic of China over the past 70 years.

Accompanied by the solemn national anthem, all stood up, staring at the five-star red flag rising on the screen. "Start!" With the command of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the military parade began. The five-character "Serving the People" is composed of a majestic symphony, which reverberated in the air for a long time and shocked people. From the command team to the rocket military team, from the female soldier team to the peacekeeping team, every general and soldier in the team used sonorous and powerful steps, heroic figures and thunderous slogans to show the soldiers' Spirit, the soul of China's military. The students in the conference room could not conceal their joy and excitement, and thunderous applause broke out continuously.

After the live broadcast of the conference, our students expressed their inner thoughts and feelings. Wang Zhengyu, an administrative management major of 2018, said: "From the 'Wanguo brand' to 'Made in China', this is not only a huge change in weapons and equipment, but also a clear evidence of China's rise to prosperity and strength. As a student of Henan University, we must constantly improve ourselves and better contribute to the prosperity and strength of the country." Huang Shaojun, a public management major of 2019, said, “We are proud of all the armored vehicles, fighter jets and soldiers with brilliant posture. Our motherland is going to the world with a brand-new look, and students of philosophy and public management should also interpret the power of youth in their own way. " The students' faces were full of pride,"I do not regret entering China in this life and I will be fortunate to prosper together in this life." It has become a common thought in everyone's hearts.

70 years of extraordinary years, 70 years of hard work. Our college organized to watch this conference not only let teachers and students witness the advancement and prosperity of the great motherland, but also the implementation of patriotic education. At the same time, this grand ceremony made our students firm their inner faith, set up lofty ideals, inspired the majority of teachers and students to make persistent efforts, work hard and forge ahead and condense a strong spiritual force for the college and the school to write a new chapter. Happiness is the result of hard work. We are all dream chasers. Students of Philosophy and Public Management will do their best to show the new generation of youth strive upward quality.

(Translator:Li Xue-li)

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