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The 16th Academic Festival of Henan University Opens
From:Author: Li Lingyu, Huang Shaojun Picture: Wang Zhengyu Editor: Shang Yumiao     Date:2019-10-11    Hits:

On the afternoon of October 10th, the opening ceremony of the 16th Academic Festival of Henan University, hosted by our college, was held in the comprehensive building of Jinming campus. Chen Xu, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of Henan University, and representatives of teachers from our college attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided over by Luo Chunli, deputy secretary of the College Party Committee.

With the melodious school song, the opening ceremony began.Chen Xu delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. Following the pulse of the times and inheriting the academic tradition, he said that the festival has always adhered to the tenet of "promoting the spirit of the times, seeking scientific knowledge and displaying the brilliance of disciplines", providing a platform for students to cultivate their innovation ability and improve their practical ability.He pointed out that the Academic Festivalis a major measure to help the construction of study styleand a vivid manifestation of in-depth education development. He hoped that all students would forge ahead and make the festival a beautiful business card of Henan University with their strength.

Professor Tian Fengshao from the Department of social work delivered a speech.From the interpretation of the word "University", he stressed the importance of exploring with a broad mind and constantly studying hard.When it comes to the significance of participating in academic activities, he summed it up infour aspects: depth, bold attempts and challenge yourself; height, deep ploughing and meticulous work, exploring the unknown; width, make close friends and know the society; temperature, think about the world, shoulder responsibility.

Zhang Yiming, administrative management major of 2016, shared her scientific research experience.She guided her students to treat scientific research with an ordinary heart, avoid being eager for quick success and quick benefits, study hard, think well and practice moreand put what they have learned into practice, so as to open up their own academic world.After the ceremony, professor He Yunfeng of the Department of Politics made a report entitled "From Standing Up to Being Strong-- Review of 70 years of Struggle of New China".

It is reported that with the theme of "70 Years of New China: Achievements and Prospects", this academic festival will carry out a series of activities such as academic lectures, academic salons, paper contests and social investigation report contests.By means of promoting learning through competition and other ways, we can guide our students to establish the consciousness of innovation, expand innovative thinking, create an academic atmosphere that advocates science and pursues true knowledge, promote the cultivation of innovative talents, and facilitate the construction of "double first-class" in our school.

(Translator:Li Xue-li)

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